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Download , by Fred Wilcox

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, by Fred Wilcox

, by Fred Wilcox

, by Fred Wilcox

Download , by Fred Wilcox

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, by Fred Wilcox

Product details

File Size: 3993 KB

Print Length: 241 pages

Publisher: Seven Stories Press (September 13, 2011)

Publication Date: September 13, 2011

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#642,158 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book should be read only if you have an extremely strong and healthy heart and stomach.For Fred Wilcox spares nothing and no one in telling and describing one of the most horrible episodes in the annals of human history, namely that of Agent Orange and the terrible crimes which were committed and perpetrated by the policy makers during the Vietnam war on the Vietnamese people.In fact, I believe that this book is the first one that gives the reader a comprehensivesurvey and analysis of those shocking times when Agent Orange was dropped on Vietnam, causing devastation, death, cancer, deformities, birth defects and many more horrendous inflictions on the Vietnamese people.As Fred Wilcox lets us know, this book has been in the making for more than ten years, during which he and his son Brandon traveled to Vietnam in order to meet the survivors, talk to the doctors and victims or their families and take pictures that would document this war crime for posterity.Agent Orange was a herbicide so named after the orange stripe painted around the 55-gallon barrels in which it was stored. This agent of death was contaminated with dioxin, a powerful carcinogenic, and whose spread over the North Vietnam fields, forests and jungles got the blessing of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. True, this was not the first time that such a biological war was ever perpetrated in human history. There are many more examples, as they are documented by the author. Hoever, this was the first time in human history that such a crime was committed over a whole country where the victims were not only the soldiers and the civilians of the enemy, but also the American soldiers who later became the veterans of the Vietnam war. This originally-designed defoliation program became the death program for both sides of the conflict. Nothing and nobody was spared. Mr Wicox interviewed doctors and patients and also the American veterans, many of whom were-and are still-suffering from the results of their own country's decisions. Their tragedy was that to this day the crime of this act was not resolved, since the American judge who two decades before lead the trial concerning the case dismissed it on legal grounds. The reason for this, as Judge Weinstein explained, was that there was no scientific evidence to support the plaintiffs' claims that "the Vietnamese people are sick and dying as a result of their exposure to toxic herbicides. In short there was no causation". Then in another paragraph, the same judge argues that "the United States did not use herbicides in Vietnam with specific intent to destroy any group. Nor were those herbicides designed to harm individuals or to starve a whole population into submission or death. The herbicides were primarily applied to plants in order to protect troops against ambush, not to destroy people".This argument is of course a judicial farce and the American victims plus their families are still being compensated for a variety of illnesses related to their exposure to Agent Orange. Even the Supreme Courst refuses to deal with this case. "Why bother to hear arguments in a case when it has already been established, time and again, that there are no veifiable victims?"This book shatters every possible judicial argument which dismisses the responsibility of the American presidencies of this war crime and crime against humanity and will serve as a constant reminder of the evil side not only of the human psyche but especially of the judicial side which has probably lost its capability in reaching a reasonable decision.This book merits to be on everyone's shelf!

Has the right amount of information to keep me interested. I would recommend reading "Waiting for an army to die" before this. This book cover victims of agent orange from both side. It also shows the long aftermath of Operation Ranch Hand and the sufferings of Vietnamese Agent Orange victims. Putting the verdicts of class actions aside, the American government should spend more effort in helping the Vietnamese clean up the residue dioxin and prevent future generations of Vietnamese from the effects of dioxin.

This book reviews the USA policy of drenching Vietnam with Agent Orange, a policy first signed off by J.F.Kennedy. Vietnamese are still reeling from the effects of having millions of gallons of a defoliant poured over them, as are many members of the U.S. military. The makers assured the government that the defoliant was harmless to humans and animals, that dioxin was harmless. The corporations manufacturing this material and the lies that went with it should be held accountable and the US should pay the Vietnamese and American veterans millions in reparations. Do not purchase this book unless you have a strong stomach!

Brutal truth told finally.Hard to read the truth why my dad a disabled vet with Parkinson’s from agent orange is so sick. Couldn’t put down ,will make you cry if your a child of parent sick from agent orange exposure on Vietnam.

I wanted to read this book after hearing an interview with the author on NPR. The information in the book was shocking to me. I was in my 20's during the Viet Nam War. And yes, I knew we used napalm, and yes, I knew we used a "defoliant". What I didn't know was that NO ONE knew what the long-term effects of the spraying would be, no one, of course, except the chemical companies. I know the theories behind the blatant disregard of human life during war, but this was insidious and shameful. And how, so many decades later, can there still be denial about these effects? I know many people that float on the river "de nile", but this staggers the imagination.

Scorched Earth is a real compelling eye opener and informative read on the affects of spraying Agent Orange on the Vietnam people and our American Vietnam Veterans. I have watched my own brother struggle , suffer and fight for years from the effects of the spraying, and only recently has he been compensates for his suffering of Agent Orange by the VA Administration. I hope many people read this book, it will help you understand why so many Vietnam Veterans and there families struggle today, as well, what is happening to many generations of Vietnam people because of our government's spraying mistakes.

It is hard not to be outraged and deeply moved by the distressing results of US and Australian policies of destroying foliage and vegetation without due care and understanding. The suffering of many people, both US, Australian and Vietnamese, their children and grandchildren should haunt us forever.

A very important and highly readable account of the tragic legacy the U.S. left in Vietnam through the use of highly toxic defoliants.

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